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The story behind

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LIVEN (Latinoamerican IntensiVE care Network) is a network of researchers in intensive medicine in Latin America that was established on May 7, 2015 in Santiago, Chile at a Symposium sponsored by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.


The founders of LIVEN were Gastón Murias, Elisa Estenssoro, Arnaldo Dubin, Fernando Ríos, Nicolás Nin, Francisco Javier Hurtado, Arturo Briva, Gilberto Friedman, Felipe Dal Pizzol, Flavia Machado, Luciano Azevedo, Alexandre Cavalcanti, Gustavo Ospina-Tascón, Glenn Hernández, Guillermo Bugedo, Alejandro Bruhn, Carlos Romero, Rodrigo Cornejo, Cecilia Luengo, Jerónimo Graf, Dagoberto Soto, Pablo Tapia, Daniel Hurtado, Julia Guerrero, Marcelo Andía, Leyla Alegría, Ricardo Castro, Pablo Cruces, Manuel Jibaja, and Jan Bakker. These researchers work at leading universities or affiliated hospital centers in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Uruguay.


Since its foundation, LIVEN was considered as an organization based on people and not on hospitals, universities or scientific societies, highlighting its plural and independent nature.


LIVEN activities have been financed with the support of its own members and the important support of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and the International University of Ecuador.


LIVEN has promoted research in different fields by contributing to important observational studies focused on the physical and human structure of intensive care units in LA, in the humanistic area, and on different aspects of coping with the COVID pandemic in collaboration with other international groups. . At the same time, he organized the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK interventional study with important consequences in the management of septic shock and changing the prevailing paradigms. Additionally, LIVEN was recently a collaborator of the interventional study on early administration of methylene blue in septic shock.

LIVEN Research

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